Resident supporting Schmid for Congress

Congressman Chris Smith is running to keep his seat in District 4 against Stephanie Schmid. Congressman Smith’s signs claim he is “a leader we can trust.”

Congressman Smith’s versions of “leadership” and “trust” leave much to be desired.

Would a leader spend his career denying women the right to control their own bodies and denying civil rights to LGBT citizens?

Should we trust someone who lied about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by saying it would ruin Medicaid, Medicare and the economy?

Would a leader remain silent while his party almost removed healthcare from 20 million Americans, and is still trying to do this with a case pending in front of the Supreme Court? Would a leader vote against expanding the ACA in the middle of a pandemic?

Should we trust someone who voted against the Heroes Act, which included extra unemployment benefits and state aid New Jersey desperately needs?

Would a leader stay silent while President Donald Trump lied about the seriousness of COVID-19 and claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were part of a “deep state” conspiracy to hurt him electorally?

And how does one lead when they hide from constituents and refuse to hold a town hall for 27 years?

Stephanie Schmid has pledged to hold 39 town halls in her first term, has challenged Congressman Smith to three public debates and will be a true leader, both accessible and accountable to her constituents.

She supports legislation that provides a healthcare safety net while leaving employer-based insurance for those who want it. Stephanie will fight for the aid New Jersey needs, working to bring back federal dollars to our community.

As an attorney, Stephanie has fought for women’s and LGBT rights, and she won’t accept a president lying about a deadly disease. That’s leadership you can trust.

Fran Freedman