Englishtown council offers part-time position to police officer

ENGLISHTOWN – The Englishtown Borough Council has provided a conditional offer of employment to Tatiana Domingo as a part-time Class II special law enforcement officer in the Englishtown Police Department.

The date of the officer’s hire will be determined by Police Chief Peter Cooke and the salary will be $15 per hour, according to a resolution.

The new officer will be required to pass a background investigation, a physical examination, a psychological examination, a drug test and firearms qualification.

The council’s offer of employment to Domingo follows the resignation of Andrew Simpson as a Class II special officer. His last day of employment was Aug. 18.

According to the municipal website, Englishtown has seven full-time police officers and one Class II officer.

In other business, council members authorized $11,162 worth of services from B&W Construction Co. of New Jersey Inc., South River. The company repaired a broken water main at Wood Avenue, near Hospitality Way.

And, the council authorized a shared services agreement with the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office for police dispatch services at a cost of $53,702.