Opinion: Kuchinski and Ruger have protected Hopewell Township finances

Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger have done an excellent job managing Hopewell Township’s budget and deserve to be re-elected to Township Committee. They have kept the increase in this year’s budget to 2%. At the same time, the township’s overall debt has been reduced. Now, and the future, the amount of taxpayer dollars financing debt will be less.

In order to keep the township’s finances healthy, Kevin and Michael have endeavored to keep revenues and expenditures balanced. They worked with the Hopewell Valley School District to revise the timing of payments, thereby freeing up to $2 million in funds.

Furthermore, when Bristol-Myers Squibb moved from their Hopewell campus, they worked with the new owner to bring in a new anchor tenant. When Merrill Lynch vacated its campus, they worked with the new owner to make changes to the site that brought in new tenants.

When the Zaitz tract became an affordable housing site, they took advantage of New Jersey’s Payment in lieu of Taxes (PILOT) provisions, which will increase the Township’s share of real estate tax receipts. Under the PILOT program the Zaitz development will contribute $112 million in township taxes over time, in contrast to $18.5 million without a PILOT agreement.

Steps like these demonstrate that Kevin and Michael are serious about protecting the Township’s financial health and reducing the burden on residential tax payers.

Please join us in showing support for Kevin and Michael in the upcoming election. You can learn more about the candidates and their accomplishments by going to www.didyouknowht.com.

Russ and Lois Swanson
Hopewell Township