Hillsborough second grader is top winner of national Road Safety Student Art Contest

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced the winners of the 2020 Road Safety Student Art Contest. Top honors were awarded to Gianna Liu, a second grade student from Hillsborough, and Sanjana Arudala, a sixth grade student from Irving, Texas.

“This year’s winners show that it’s never too early to make road safety a top priority,” FMCSA Deputy Administrator Wiley Deck said in a prepared statement. “The impressive artwork from these students will help effectively communicate FMCSA’s important safety messages to motorists throughout the country.”

The contest was open to all students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Student entries focused on educating passenger vehicle drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians to coexist on the same roadways as commercial motor vehicles and work together to reduce crashes.

The contest is organized by FMCSA’s Our Roads, Our Safety Partnership, which includes more than 30 other government, safety, industry and private organizations. These partnerships are essential to amplifying the safety messages about buckling up and understanding the challenges and special considerations when traveling near or around buses and large trucks, according to the statement.

The two grand prize winning entries will hang in FMCSA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The entries from the following 12 students (two grand prize and 10 honorable mention entries) will be featured in the 2021 Road Safety art contest calendar.

To learn more about the Road Safety Student Art Contest and to see the winning entries, visit