Will there be more episodes of ‘Away’ on Netflix?

Question: My husband and I watched the entire first season of Away on Netflix this past weekend and thought it was terrific. Are there plans for Season 2? If so, when might that become available? Thanks for all that you do to point us to worthwhile television. —Gwen

Matt Roush: My pleasure, especially when it comes to a show like this. While I agreed in my review with some critics that the soapy earthbound subplots grew a bit tiresome, the events on the way to Mars were almost always gripping, and the cast (from Hilary Swank on down) sold it. So I’m hopeful we’ll see more. No word from Netflix yet, and if it does get picked up, it could be a long wait — they’d have to finish the entire season before it could premiere, and the pandemic has delayed many production starts, so hard to be definitive on either of your questions. But it’s hard to imagine Netflix investing this much into the show not to give the crew a chance to return to Earth in a sequel.

Question: Has New Amsterdam been canceled? I really hope not. I love all the characters and the story lines and will really miss it. —Linda

Matt Roush: It’s the opposite of canceled. New Amsterdam has been renewed for three more seasons. But like many shows this year, its premiere has been delayed by the coronavirus until early 2021.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com