Princeton residents can provide input on next schools superintendent

Aiming to find out what Princeton residents want to see in the next superintendent of schools, a nine question survey seeking their input has been posted on the Princeton Public Schools website.

The online survey will be posted on the school district’s website at through Oct. 4. It can be found under the “District” tab on the home page, under “Superintendent Search.”

In addition, a virtual open forum for parents, guardians and community members has been set for Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. Information on the open forum also is available under “Superintendent Search.”

“We are at a really exciting point in our superintendent search, which is our input gathering phase. We are really excited to launch this part of the search,” school board member Betsey Baglio said.

The school board is seeking a replacement for former Superintendent of Schools Steve Cochrane, who retired June 30.

While parents and staff have already received the survey, community members – residents who do not have children enrolled in the public school district – also are invited to take part in the survey.

The survey asks respondents to choose three items from among a lengthy list that they believe describes the district’s greatest educational strengths and its greatest educational challenges.

The survey also asks respondents to choose three goals for the new superintendent to accomplish in his or her first year, and to choose five characteristics or skills that the new superintendent should possess.

The findings from the survey, the open forums and focus group conversations will be compiled in a “New Superintendent Profile,” which will be reported to the school board at its Oct. 27 meeting.

The school board hired the Illinois-based consulting firm of School Exec Connect to help the Princeton Public Schools to find its next superintendent of schools. Kevin O’Mara, the firm’s president, is working closely with the school board on the search process.

The search firm will launch a national search to identify a diverse group of candidates, Baglio said. The board is looking for an innovative leader to help it to sustain the district’s mission.

After reviewing the applications, School Exec Connect will present two slates of candidates to the school board – a slate of seven or eight semi-finalists, and then a final list of three candidates.

The school board’s goal is to have a new superintendent in place by July 1, 2021.