South River school board has three-year, one-year terms available

SOUTH RIVER – Board of Education members John Budzin, Elizabeth DaSilva Leil and David Roshetar will try to retain their seats on the South River Board of Education.

Each term is for three years.


Newcomer Lisa Byrne is running for the one-year term seat on the board.

Election Day is Nov. 3.

Elizabeth DaSilva Leil, 47, has been a borough resident for more than 18 years.

As a board member, Leil said she is aware of the commitment and would like to offer her time, talent and energy once again.

“As a parent with a child in the district and one who recently graduated, along with my educational background, I can bring various perspectives to discussions,” Leil said. “I am an active member of our community through various organizations where my work ethic and integrity are known and valued. As a family, we live the motto of service to others and I welcome being able to assist in any way possible if elected to a term.”

Leil said she has spent 24 years in education, involved in teaching and administration.

Leil said she was involved with the South River Little League where she served as a secretary for 10 years, and was the co-advisor and current advisor for the Corpus Christi Youth Group.
Leil is also a South River Parent Teacher Association (PTA) board member, on the Project Graduation 2019 Committee, an Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development member, a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics member, and a New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association member.

Having completed her first two-year term on the school board, Leil said she was then elected to a three-year term. During this time she served on the board’s Instruction Committee, Human Resources Committee, Finance Committee and was the PTA liaison.

“Our current administration and Board of Education have worked consistently to improve our overall school system. They have board goals for specificity in addition to district goals to attain,” Leil said. “Community outreach, improved test scores, upgraded technology, school safety, and aligned curricula are all intertwined with student success from pre-K through high school. Collectively working alongside administration and the board as a whole, we can all work for the benefit of each student.”

David Roshetar, 70, said his family moved to the borough 29 years ago and his four daughters attended South River Public Schools.

“My desire to give back to the community motivates my service. Our daughters all received a quality education in our public schools,” Roshetar said. “I believe that a good education is critical to success and having the opportunity to provide oversight of and input into our schools as a member of the Board of Education is an honor and a privilege.”

Roshetar retired from a career as a safety officer and emergency manager for a large hospital. Previously, he was an Emergency Medical Services director and paramedic.

In addition to serving as a member of the board, Roshetar serves as the board’s liaison to the South River Foundation for Educational Excellence. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for the South River Public Library and volunteers for the South River Food Bank.

“Two particular projects that I plan to involve myself in if re-elected are to encourage the continued expansion of our health science and technology curriculum and clubs, and to promote the excellence of our public schools in the community,” Roshetar said.

Neither Budzin nor Byrne could be reached by press time.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].