Democrat Dothard seeks three-year term on Township Committee in Millstone

MILLSTONE – Democrat Ray Dothard is seeking a three-year term on the Township Committee in Millstone Township in the 2020 election.

There are two three-year terms on the committee on the ballot and the other candidates – independent candidate Tony Arpaia and Republicans Michael McLaughlin and Chris Morris – are profiled in separate articles.

Dothard has been a resident of Millstone for 29 years. He chairs the township’s Veterans Memorial Council, serves as vice chairman and treasurer of Post 3 of the Veterans of the Vietnam War and Veterans Coalition, and is the treasurer of the Millstone Township Democratic Organization.

He is retired following a career in aviation and is a Vietnam War veteran, having flown 138 combat missions for the U.S. Air Force.

“I love living in the township. When I moved here, it was a growing town. Most of the present Township Committee members came here after I did and were part of that growth. We (built) a middle school due to that growth. Now, due to the greatly reduced growth and the reduction in the school population, I fear losing our middle school. This will have a negative effect on property values,” Dothard said.

“I am for keeping property taxes as low as possible. I will look for ways to increase revenue other than just property taxes. We can finally see some commercial development along the Millstone Township section of Route 33; I have been calling for this for years.

“If elected, I will work for more transparency and improvement of the power grid to prevent long blackouts during high winds and heavy snowstorms. I will work to make sure taxpayers have a better understanding of our budget and how our tax money is spent,” Dothard said.
Gov. Phil Murphy has declared that the 2020 election will be conducted primarily through the use of mail-in ballots because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Township Committee passed a resolution objecting to Murphy’s mandate.
Dothard noted the passage of the local resolution in his comments about the election and encouraged residents to trust that their vote will be safe through the use of a mail-in ballot.
“As a Township Committee member, I would not be a coronavirus denier. With dead people all over the world from the coronavirus and a fourth of them in the United States, I would not sign a resolution to support the president’s claims about mail-in ballots.
“Five states have been using mail-in ballots for years. The FBI stated that they have found no problems of dishonesty, voter fraud and voter disenfranchisement in mail-in ballots.
“Most voters in the United States would like mail-in voting because it would prevent disenfranchisement. Gov. Murphy has accepted his responsibility for the safety and health of the citizens of New Jersey.
“He understands voters should not be standing in long lines on Nov. 3 during the forecasted coronavirus increase … It is my strong opinion this whole election should be mail-in or all paper ballots at all polling stations. That creates a verifiable paper audit trail,” Dothard said.