Schmid earns endorsement in race for Congress

Times are tough and New Jersey needs new leadership and ideas to see us through. This election, residents of the Fourth Congressional District have an opportunity to elect this kind of leader with Stephanie Schmid.

We need the healthcare plan Schmid supports, which automatically enrolls uninsured or underinsured individuals in a safety net program, while allowing others to keep their private plans. This way, households won’t go broke over medical bills or end up uninsured when a family member is unemployed.

We need a representative who will vote for legislation New Jersey desperately needs, like the HEROES Act, which included aid for our state government, extended unemployment benefits, assistance to prevent evictions and foreclosures, and a repeal of the SALT (state and local taxes) cap.

We need a representative who will make New Jersey a leader in clean energy infrastructure which creates good paying jobs and reduces the harm done to our communities by climate change.

We need a representative who will always support common sense gun safety reforms like universal background checks, an assault weapons ban and keeping firearms away from domestic abusers.

We need a representative who fights for reproductive rights because they are a moral imperative and an economic boon to women around the world.

We need a representative who believes in equal rights for all, regardless of who they love. We need a representative who will hold town halls and be accessible to her constituents.

We need someone who will fight for our families with their voice and their vote. We need Stephanie Schmid.

Shari Deutsch