How can we get Netflix to rescue the cancelled ‘Stumptown’?

Question: Please notify Netflix that there is enough of a fan base for Stumptown as was the case with Lucifer that fans want a conclusion. Is there a way to contact Netflix? Your input to Netflix could really help! —Steve

Matt Roush: I hate to disabuse you of your belief in my influence, but Netflix isn’t in the habit of consulting me about their programming decisions. However, Netflix does have a feedback area where you can suggest shows you’d like to see them acquire, or in this case, continue. Anything’s possible, and I’d love to see Stumptown get new life, but Lucifer had the benefit of having three seasons already in the tank (as opposed to Stumptown‘s one and only) and having the supernatural cult vibe that seems to be one of Netflix’s trademarks.

Question: What happened to Sunnyside? I grew up in Sunnyside, Queens. It was a great neighborhood and it’s a terrific blend of nationalities now! Any chance it will come back? —Diana

Matt Roush: Now there’s a blast from the past, and a nice way to put a pin in discussion of the 2019-20 season. Sunnyside was the first cancellation of last season, and after the first few aired on NBC, the rest of the completed episodes went online. The chances of it coming back in any form is about as slim as it gets.

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