HiTOPS appointment fills newly created Director of Advancement position

HiTOPS leadership was able to fill a newly established director of advancement position this fall with the appointment of Judy Walker.

The Princeton nonprofit focused on providing young people of all identities in Mercer County with non-judgmental, affirming, factually accurate, sexual health education and LGBTQ+ support, had been planning to implement the position prior to the current pandemic hitting New Jersey statewide.

The director of advancement will lead the design and implementation of annual fundraising efforts, giving campaigns, special events, and oversee communications among the specific youth the organization provides resources and support for.

“Judy is the perfect fit for this position. Judy Walker and I previously worked together and I had knowledge about her skills and aptitude,” said Lisa Shelby, executive director of HiTOPS. “She is a highly energetic and very experienced communications professional. She is a relationship builder and cheerleader for the work that we do.”

Walker, who has been in her new role since late September, arrived at HiTOPS having worked for organizations such as Planned Parenthood of the Mercer Area in Trenton, Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture, an organization dedicated to promoting and affirming Arab American cultural identity; the National Transplant Assistance Fund; and most recently, the Women’s Medical Fund in Philadelphia, where she built a development program for giving, according to the organization.

The appointment of Walker comes at a crucial and critical time in the organization as HiTOPS works to build additional relationships during the pandemic. Walker’s new position is designed to help HiTOPS share the impact of their work on young people and build the understanding that community support is crucial to do what the organization provides.

“With the impact of the pandemic and its impact on social services and nonprofit organizations to both bringing in funds and continuing to provide support, it has turned out to be a very gratuitous time to bring her on board,” Shelby said.