Spotswood council awards contract commencing Lake DeVoe dredging project

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution awarding a $2.2 million contract to SumCo Eco-Contracting, LLC for the dredging of DeVoe Lake, phase one.

Bids were received on Sept. 29, with SumCo Eco-Contracting of Peabody, Massachusetts, as the lowest and most responsible bidder, with a bid of $1.85 million, according to the council.

The bid included one deletion item that would reduce the lake excavation limits by 5,000 cubic yards. Utilizing this deletion item would reduce the project cost to $1.5 million, according to the council.

CME’s bid documents also included one alternate item, which would increase the lake excavation limits by an additional 5,000 cubic yards. Utilizing this alternate item would increase the project cost to $2.2 million, and the low bidder was still SumCo Eco-Contracting as noted in reports of the CME Associates dated Sept. 30, according to the council.

The council approved the resolution officially awarding the contract to SumCO Eco-Contracting on Oct. 5 during the council meeting via video conference.

The chief financial officer of the borough has certified in writing that
funds are available for the project.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].