Millstone officials announce personnel moves

MILLSTONE – A full-time deputy chief financial officer (CFO) has been named in Millstone Township.

On Oct. 10, Township Committee members appointed Melissa Peerboom to serve as deputy CFO, effective Oct. 7. Her initial term will run through Dec. 31, after which she may be reappointed by the committee.

According to a resolution, Peerboom began serving as the part-time deputy CFO after being appointed to that position in June, while also serving as the secretary to the Open Space Preservation Council and the Agricultural Advisory Council.

She will leave the secretarial position, but will provide assistance to the individual who has succeeded her in that job.

Peerboom will receive an annual salary of $66,000 as the full-time deputy CFO and a $479 stipend for her assistance to the Open Space Preservation Council and the Agricultural Advisory Council secretary.

Peerboom will work with Acting CFO Kevin Abernethy in Millstone Township’s Finance Department, which is responsible for planning, directing and administering all work pertaining to the management of the financial resources of the municipality.

Township Committee members appointed Robin Tillou as the new secretary to the Open Space Preservation Council and the Agricultural Advisory Council, effective Oct. 12. Tillou will receive an annual salary of $5,000, according to a resolution.

The Open Space Preservation Council, among other duties, fosters and promotes the preservation of open space and farmland in Millstone Township, according to the municipal website.

The Agricultural Advisory Council, among other duties, analyzes how municipal officials can best protect the continuance and preservation of farmland in the community.