Opinion: Sawicki has the experience needed to guide new school board members

My family has lived in Hopewell Township for over 25 years. Our children received an excellent education from Hopewell Valley schools. and we have always been very supportive and involved in our school district.

Reading about this year’s many candidates for Board of Education is encouraging. I am inspired to see these new faces interested in serving on the board. It is truly a testament to the community spirit of our residents and dedication to our schools.

While I believe it is very important to have diversity and new perspectives on the Board of Education, I also believe it is important to have consistency. This is why I am supporting Adam Sawicki for re-election to the Hopewell Valley Regional Board of Education. The majority of members from Hopewell Township are in their first or second year of service. Experience will be needed as our new members transition into their roles. In my opinion, balancing fresh perspectives with institutional knowledge will produce the most capable board.

I also support Adam for his commitment to fiscal responsibility. Adam is the only board member that voted against the 5.27% tax increase in 2019. I believe Adam will continue to promote a modest budget that addresses our declining student enrollment while preserving our educational excellence. And one that is necessary to maintain affordability for many Hopewell Township families.

Adam has the professional background, school board experience, and commitment to our high quality education that will continue to make him a valuable member of our school board. I hope you will join me in voting to re-elect Adam Sawicki on Nov. 3.

Kim Bruno
Hopewell Township