Veterans can learn about benefits while enrolled at Rowan Collage at Burlington County

Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) houses a Military Education & Veteran Services department that has supported members of the military and their families for over 40 years.

While its primary emphasis is placed on education benefits, the department provides information and assistance to student veterans and community residents for any benefits available from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).

Any veteran, dependent of a deceased or disabled veteran, or active duty military member may be eligible to receive monthly educational assistance from the Veterans Administration while enrolled at RCBC.

To learn more about this resource, tune in to a Facebook Town Hall at 1 p.m. Nov. 4 as Air Force veteran and current RCBC student Tina Nero-Requenes and Colonel Tiffany Warnke, commander of the Civil Engineer Group at the Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst, discuss the options.

Nero-Requenes, of San Antonio, Texas, relocated to New Jersey three years ago with her husband (Air Force active duty at McGuire AFB) and their three children. An electrocardiogram technology student, she chose RCBC because it allowed her the flexibility she needed to balance her education and home life.

Warnke, the civil engineering group commander at the Joint Base, will join the town hall to speak to the base’s COVID response and give viewers insight into what the Department of Defense does in terms of crisis response.

To learn more about RCBC’s Military Education & Veteran Services department, visit