Freeholders will assist special needs schools, expand CARES Act grant programs

The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders has announced the expansion of the Monmouth County CARES Economic Assistance Grant Program and assistance for special needs schools.

During a press conference, Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone said Monmouth County is allocating federal CARES Act funding to vocational schools and to schools that educate individuals who have special needs.

“There are some things that cannot be taught virtually, including culinary arts, biotechnology and health care.

“Because of the critical need for hands-on learning, the county vocational schools have worked tirelessly to safely return students to the classroom. To assist them in this endeavor, the county will be allocating $500 per full time student and $250 per share time student,” he said.

“We are also going to be allocating $500 per student to the 10 special needs schools in Monmouth County in order to help enhance their education.

“The students and families in these schools rely heavily on structure and so the schools have had to dedicate their efforts to figure out how to bring them into the schools safely.

“These students have worked so hard to get where they are today and we will do everything we can to help these schools keep their students in their classrooms with their favorite teachers and peers,” Arnone said.

Arnone also gave updates about “The Show Must Go On in Monmouth!” and the Monmouth County CARES Economic Assistance Grant Program.

“I previously announced ‘The Show Must Go On in Monmouth!’ program. I am happy to say all of the performing arts organizations in Monmouth County that we know of have been contacted. If any performing arts company has not been contacted, please contact the Monmouth County administrator’s office,” Arnone said.

“Additionally, I am excited to announce we are expanding the Monmouth County CARES Economic Assistance Grant Program and allowing small businesses to apply for an additional $10,000, for a total of up to $20,000 in grant money.

“Any small business that has already applied and submitted expenses in excess of $20,000 does not need to do anything, your application will be reviewed and eligible expenses will be processed. If you submitted more than $10,000, but less than $20,000, and have incurred additional expenses, please submit them as soon as possible.

“I encourage any small business that has not applied at all to please do so as soon as possible,” he said.

To apply for a grant, the owner of a small business may go to or call 732-375-2196, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“We have now approved more than 2,100 applications and dispersed nearly $18 million. If you have any questions about eligibility or how to fill out an application, the county is ready to help you,” Arnone said.