Personalized library bundles curated by SCLSNJ expert librarians

Expert librarians from the Somerset County Library System (SCLSNJ) will curate a personalized bag of 5-10 books specially picked for readers.

Discover new authors; connect with modern classics; and explore new genres for children, teens and adults.


“Our new Personalized Picks program is an opportunity for customers to save time and remain safe while still receiving an engaging collection of quality books,” Maureen Langley, Youth Services department supervisor, said in a prepared statement. “Knowledgeable library staff create a bag of books based on patrons’ interests and preferences, which can be quickly and easily picked up from our Contact Free Checkout shelves.”


This pilot program is being tested for larger use, and is currently only available at the Somerville and North Plainfield branches.

Explore Personalized Picks at