Photo courtesy of Jennifer Chillas

Opinion: A letter to the residents of Cranbury

I want to thank the residents of Cranbury who supported my campaign and voted for me. I appreciate your vote and confidence.

Cranbury is a wonderful community filled with people who care. This care for community today is why I am filled with hope and believe other residents are as well.

Matt’s [Mayor Matt Scott] election has filled me with hope.

I have hope that Matt, in his second term, will seek to represent all residents. I am hopeful that we will never again hear divisive words, such as calling members of the other political party or those who disagree with him as racist or prejudiced. We cannot build a community if leaders seek to degrade rather than uplift.

I have hope that with legal weed passing Matt will change his view and not support a pot shop on Main Street, where our children actively walk, play and used to go to school each day.

I have hope that Matt will continues his focus on traffic safety and this includes keeping stoned drivers off our roadways by continuing our prohibition on retail pot shops in our town. Lit crosswalks are great. It is even better if our officers don’t need to deal with the issues and risks from stoned drivers or if an officer does not have to knock on a parent’s door and tell them an accident has occurred.

I have hope that Matt changes his priorities and will look to preserve our farmland. Bike paths are great, but taking land away from our farmers to add a bike path and create another roadway like Old Trenton Road is not in our interest as a community. We have had no dialogue this year to preserve farms on our roster. I have hope that this will change.

I hope that the Township Committee will do more diligence when reviewing contracts and projects. The town is now in litigation with the firm who was to dredge the lake. I have hope that they will learn.

Yes, today, I am filled with hope and gratitude. We have wonderful residents and you are what gives me hope for our future.


Joseph Buonavolonta

Republican candidate for Cranbury Township Committee