Red Bank council members authorize purchase of police vehicles

RED BANK – Members of the Red Bank Borough Council have authorized the purchase of three police vehicles at a cost of $100,517.

During a recent meeting, council members passed a resolution and authorized contracts with Winner Ford of Cherry Hill and Hertrich Fleet Services, Milford, Del., for the police vehicles.

One 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe was purchased from Hertrich Fleet Services and two 2021 Ford Utility Interceptors were purchased from Winner Ford, according to the resolution. The Tahoe cost $37,293 and the Interceptors cost $31,612 each.

In other business, the council members confirmed the appointment of Anthony Neibert as the borough’s part-time acting construction official. Neibert will be paid $75 per hour and may not exceed 25 hours per week.

Neibert’s appointment was made following the resignation of Frederick Corcione as the construction official. Council members accepted Corcione’s resignation, effective Oct. 30.

The council members confirmed the appointment of Robert Kelley as Red Bank’s part-time acting plumbing subcode official. Kelly will be paid $47 per hour and may not exceed 19 hours per week.

In addition, council members appointed Diane Johnson and Dania Zapata as school crossing guards for 2020-21. Each crossing guard will be paid $29 per day.

Finally, the council appointed Ryan Hussey and Johnathan Munoz-Valente as Class I special law enforcement officers. They will work as parking enforcement officers and will be paid an hourly rate of $16, according to a resolution.