Incumbent, two newcomers win seats on Edison Board of Education

EDISON – An incumbent and two newcomers will fill the three, three-year terms that were available on the Board of Education in the election on Nov. 3.

According to results certified by the Middlesex County Clerk’s Office on Nov. 20, incumbent Jing Wei “Jerry” Shi and newcomers Mohin Patel and Virginia White, who ran together on the Edison First slate, received the most votes.

Patel received 13,627 votes, White received 12,815 votes and Shi received 12,313 votes.

Yash Pandya received 9,858 votes, Anthony DePasquale received 9,352 votes, Padmaja Chinta received 8,873 votes, Maria Wise received 8,874 votes, Brett Baker received 4,903 votes, Christo Makropoulos received 3,908 votes, Clifton Prescod received 3,891 votes, Ernest Kregeloh received 2,846 votes, and Brian Rivera received 1,998 votes in their losing bids for a seat.

There were 286 write-in votes.

Board members Falguni Patel and Beth Moroney did not seek re-election.

Shi, who will start serving his third term in January, said the newly elected members will work on delivering Edison First Team’s campaign platform and pledge of “Always Putting Edison First.”

The platform includes a zero percent budget increase; ensuring efficient and effective remote learning; prioritizing health and wellness; and having an open, honest and resident-friendly school district.

“None of these are easy,” Shi said. “We are looking forward to working with fellow board members, administration, district staff and everyone in Edison to achieve them. Let’s work together to make our school district truly ‘Nothing Less Than Excellence.’ ”

In addition, White said they will work together with the entire board and administration on overcrowding issues and the implementation of full-day kindergarten.

“Our priority at this point in time, due to COVID, must be to provide the very best remote learning for our students and staff,” she said. “It is so important that we provide as much support as we possibly can. Furthermore, we must focus on safety, health and wellness for our students and staff. Hopefully, there is a light at the end of this tunnel.”