Residents seeking housing assistance can visit county’s Housing Hub

In honor of National Roof Over Your Head Day, Burlington County Freeholder Director Felicia Hopson reminded residents experiencing housing problems that assistance is available through the county’s Housing Hub.

“Having a roof over your head is something many of us take for granted but that we should all be thankful for,” Hopson said in a prepared statement. “Unfortunately, we also know that there are individuals and families in Burlington County who are struggling with housing insecurity or in need of permanent housing. We want these families to know that we’re making more help available.”

The Housing Hub opened in the Department of Human Services Building in Westampton last December and provides a single location for homeless or residents who are housing insecure or experiencing hardships to come for services and receive help from several agencies and programs, according to the statement.

Due to the pandemic, the Housing Hub suspended in-person services at the Human Services Building. However, it has continued to operate and provide services online and by phone.

Hopson, who came up with the idea for the Housing Hub and worked with Human Services officials to implement the initiative, said the Hub has filled a critical void by connecting residents with the services that are available to assist them.

“Since Dec. 3 is National Roof Over Your Head Day, it’s only fitting that we salute the Hub’s staff and partners who work so hard to help our residents stay safe and secure in their homes or find new, more appropriate living arrangements for their families,” Hopson said in the statement. “Helping vulnerable residents and families has been a major priority of our board from the start, but it has become even more important during the pandemic, and since March they’ve helped more than a thousand individuals with their housing issues. That’s an incredible record.”

Hopson recently announced that additional assistance is in the works for county families in distress.

Thanks to an additional $2.4 million in federal block grant funding, the county intends to expand its existing rental assistance services to help more families in danger of eviction. And in order to assist those who are already homeless or without permanent, stable housing, the county also plans to create a Warming Center, where individuals and families can safely come and receive relief this winter and be referred to services that are available, according to the statement.

This relief will be in addition to the ongoing Code Blue emergency sheltering program the county runs.

The Housing Hub can be reached at 609-265-5185 or by emailing [email protected].