Pennington School student named ‘most improved delegate’ during Model UN conference

A team of Pennington School students attended a virtual Model United Nations (MUN) conference on Dec. 5 and 6, sponsored by the Institute for Domestic and International Affairs at Rutgers University.

Twelve Pennington students participated in ConnectMUN: Scott “CJ” Caponi ’22, Maggie Clarke ’23, Jonathan Eaton ’22, Sydney Francis ’22, Soren Lloyd ’24. Ananya Madireddy ’24, Tessa Matson ’22, Robert Moran ’21, Jai Raman ’24, Zoe Rodriguez ’23, Elias Sebti ’24, and Maygala Selvisudhakar ’23.

During two full intensive days, Pennington’s Model UN team was assigned to represent Iceland and South Africa in a geopolitical debate competition.

At the end of the contest, Elias Sebti was recognized as the “most improved delegate.”