Photo courtesy of FoHVOS

Jacobs Creek Trail to be extended with newly preserved land

Partnering together, D&R Greenway Land Trust and Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space have helped preserve 50 acres of rolling farm fields and woodlands along Jacobs Creek.

The two organizations announced the newly permanently protected and preserved land  located south of Woosamonsa Road, extending to Pennington-Harbourton Road, on Dec. 16. Jacob’s Creek begins to the north on Woosamonsa Ridge Preserve, flowing through this land to the Delaware River.

The preserved land is courtesy of Tony and Patti Cifelli, who enjoyed more than 30 years on their beloved farm, where they raised two children and Patti rode her horses, according to a press release.

Upon retirement to a warmer climate, they placed a conservation and public access easement on the land before selling the permanently preserved land to their son.

“This property abuts the FoHVOS Jacobs Creek Trail. We are very excited to work with D&R Greenway to extend access to such beautiful features to the public,” said Lisa Wolff, executive director, Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space (FoHVOS).

The streamside woodland with oaks, black walnut, red maple, majestic beech trees and Christmas ferns provides habitat for salamanders and songbirds, hawks, and barred owls, according to FoHVOS.

“As the holidays approach, we are most grateful for landowners like Tony and Patti Cifelli who chose to leave a green legacy by preserving their land for all generations to come. This gift of preservation protects clean water, wildlife habitat and scenic views from future trails through the stunning woodlands,” Linda Mead, president and CEO of D&R Greenway, said in the statement.