Abernethy appointed township administrator in Millstone

MILLSTONE – Kevin Abernethy has been appointed to the position of township administrator in Millstone Township for 2021.

Throughout 2020, Abernethy served as the township’s acting business administrator.

On Dec. 16, Township Committee members appointed Abernethy as the township administrator, effective Jan. 1. In addition, Abernethy was appointed as the temporary chief financial officer (CFO) and the Clean Communities advocate, also effective Jan. 1.

Abernethy is Millstone’s first official township administrator since 2019. The position was previously held by Maria Dellasala, who was serving as the municipal clerk and township administrator until her retirement from both positions that year.

Following Dellasala’s retirement, Roger Staib was named acting business administrator in early 2019 and held the position throughout the rest of the year. Staib left his position in January 2020. He passed away in April.

Staib was succeeded as acting business administrator by Abernethy, who has held the position ever since.

Abernethy has also served as temporary CFO since February, following the retirement of Annette Murphy.

According to the municipal website, the township administrator is responsible to the Township Committee for the day-to-day operations of Millstone. The administrator directs, administers and coordinates the activities of the municipality in full support of policies, goals and objectives established by the governing body.

The Finance Department, according to the municipal website, is responsible for planning, directing and administering all work pertaining to the management of the financial resources of the municipality. The department assumes involvement with budget preparation and financial reporting.