Residents asked to provide input on visiting popular Monmouth County destinations

Traveling in and around Monmouth County year-round could be easier in the future with the help of residents and visitors alike.

The Monmouth County Department of Planning, in cooperation with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), has announced a study called Monmouth Within Reach to gather public input and develop strategies and best practices for managing travel demand, according to a press release from the county.

The goal of the study is to make it easier for people to get where they need and want to go in the county. Visit to learn more about the study and to provide input.

“This project is going to develop strategies and best practices to reduce congestion related to tourism and events by using the resources we have to more effectively manage the demands on our transportation network,” Monmouth County Commissioner Thomas A. Arnone said.

“County commissioner” replaced the title of “county freeholder” on Jan. 1.

Arnone is the liaison to the Monmouth County Public Works and Engineering Department and represents the county on the NJTPA Board of Trustees.

Commissioner Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the Monmouth County Department of Planning, added, “We are hopeful that high levels of community involvement from residents and visitors can enable us to formulate recommendations that will make traveling in the county on heavy travel days smoother for everyone.”

The Monmouth Within Reach study is being led by transportation planners from Monmouth County and the NJTPA, with professional assistance from Stantec and Stokes Creative Group Inc., according to the press release.

County officials noted this study was approved for federal funding in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Officials said the study team recognizes that the pandemic impacted the public’s ability to attend events in 2020. The study team is using transportation data from 2019 to review congestion levels related to tourism and events.

County officials said the study team members look forward to an appropriate time for the study’s recommendations to be implemented when tourism and event attendance returns to normal, according to the press release.

Visit to review frequently asked questions and take the community input survey relating to travel throughout Monmouth County; to identify areas of concern; and to recommend improvements. The survey results will be used to help develop potential strategies for the future, according to the press release.