East Brunswick Library offers programs for financial wellness

Starting off the new year by celebrating Financial Wellness Month, the East Brunswick Public Library will hold two virtual programs on financial literacy.

The first program, “The Psychology of Money: Taking a Rational Approach to Managing Your Wealth,” will be held at noon on Jan. 8. Personal perceptions, biases and emotions about money can affect people’s financial decisions. This webinar is designed to help develop strategies for making objective decisions about money in order to manage wealth more wisely. 

“Financial Freedom: Building Wealth To Live The Live You Love” will be presented at noon on Jan. 22.

The next generation may be taking a different path through life than the generations that came before them. Their perspective on finances may be very different than that of their parents. However, the fundamental aspects of mapping out a financial future are the same today as they have always been—planning, budgeting, saving, investing and building good credit. This webinar focuses on the key steps attendees need to take toward achieving financial freedom.

This webinar is intended for people in their 20s, 30s and 40s.


These programs are hosted by Bradley Baskir, a financial advisor at Morgan Stanley in Boston. 

Both programs are free and open to the public, and will be held virtually using Zoom.

To register for either program, visit www.ebpl.org.