North Brunswick Public Library schedules January virtual programs

The North Brunswick Public Library will hold the following programs virtually during January.

  • The Fiber Arts Club will meet from 10-11 a.m. Jan. 15 and 29. Work on a current project (embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.) while enjoying the company of others.

Register in advance: Jan. 15 –; Jan. 29 –

For more information, email Librarian Barbara at [email protected]

  • Virtual Tai Chi will be held at 10 a.m. Jan. 16 and 30.

Participants age 16 and older can join instructor Vikram Sarath for free virtual Tai Chi sessions. Beginners welcome.

Registration is not required. Tune in via Zoom at

Meeting ID: 857 4922 7982
Passcode: 437431

For more information, email Librarian Ryan Miller at [email protected]

  • Watch and discuss the movie “The Hours” at 10 a.m. Jan. 19.

Create a free Kanopy account at using your North Brunswick Library card. Watch the film, then join a moderated conversation on Zoom.

Register in advance at

For more information, email Librarian Barbara at [email protected]

  • “Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention: Engaging and Empowering Youth and Families” will be presented at 7 p.m. Jan. 19.

Teens and young adults (9th grade and up) and their parents/caregivers (general public is also welcome) can join Diana Starace, coordinator of the RWJ Injury Prevention Program, and Healthcare Committee co-chair of the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking; along with Danny Papa, NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking president, for a virtual presentation intended to educate adolescents how to protect themselves from being exploited by potential traffickers.

During this webinar, presenters will define human trafficking, discuss the “red flags” of a human trafficking victim, present a process of reporting suspected human trafficking in their community, describe what can make adolescents vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers, and explain the concepts of “resilience” and “protective factors”.

Register at

Attendees will be sent the virtual program URL following registration.

For more information, email Librarian Ryan Miller at [email protected] or Young Adult librarian Andrew Gerber at [email protected]

  • “Upcycle It” into a candle or vase holder at 7 p.m. Jan. 25 with instructor Pat Dahl.

Supplies needed include magazine pages cut in half-inch strips to coil, a glass or vase (small is better), a piece of cardboard to cut base a little bigger than your piece, a marker to wrap strips around, glue or mod podge, and scissors.

Register in advance for this Zoom program at

For more information, email Librarian Barbara at [email protected]

  • A News Literacy Workshop will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 27.

While misinformation, disinformation and propaganda are not new phenomena, they seem to spread with greater ease and influence. Join Rutgers University Librarians Katie Elson Anderson and Leslin Charles for an interactive virtual workshop to gain helpful tools for seeing and understanding biases in news reporting, as well as adopt crucial strategies to identify how facts and non-facts are presented.

Register at

For more information, email Librarian Ryan Miller at [email protected]

For a complete listing of virtual events, visit or find the library on Facebook @NorthBrunswickLibrary