Pennington and Hopewell Borough councils re-elect council presidents

Council members in Pennington Borough and Hopewell Borough have re-elected each of their council presidents from 2020.

During reorganization meetings on Jan. 4, Catherine Chandler was elected council president for the Pennington Borough Council and Charles Schuyler Morehouse was also elected to serve as council president for the Hopewell Borough Council.

Pennington: After Chandler and Kennen Gross were sworn in to start their three-year terms on the borough council, Councilman Charles Marciante nominated Chandler for council president. Fellow council members went on to vote unanimously in favor of her election.

“I was very happy to be reelected to council and to once again be asked to serve as Council President, to support Mayor Joe Lawver. In 2021, we will continue to face some of challenges of 2020, as we work to serve the community with the continued restrictions of COVID-19,” Chandler said in a statement. “But there is light at the end of the tunnel with the distribution of vaccines.”

She added that despite the coronavirus pandemic the borough had moved forward in 2020 on a number of important projects, such as road construction, and the necessary renovations of Borough Hall.

“In addition, our purchase of the land behind Tollgate Grammar School for purposes of the community Arboretum received final approvals, so we can move forward on that project in 2021,” Chandler said. “Parks and Recreation is planning its spring and summer events and Economic Development Committee is continuing its initiatives to promote business in Pennington, such as its Support your Local Businesses initiative and its “get Lit” program.

“So things are happening and it is due to our amazing professionals and our countless volunteers and I look forward to working with them this year as always,” she added.

The borough’s six council members are Council President Catherine Chandler, Councilwoman Deborah Gnatt, Councilman Charles Marciante, Councilwoman Beverly Mills, Councilwoman Liz Semple and Councilman Ken Gross.

Hopewell Borough: Morehouse was also unanimously elected to serve as council president for 2021.

Borough Administrator Michele Hovan said he has continuously served as council president since the fall of 2013, following the passing of longtime president David Knights.

The Hopewell Borough Council is Council President Charles Morehouse, Councilman David Mackie, Councilman Ryan Kennedy, Councilman Chris Fossel, Councilwoman Samara McAuliffe and Councilwoman Debra Stuhler.