Council president wants to ‘keep Sayreville progressing’

SAYREVILLE – Kevin Dalina has been elected to serve as president of the Borough Council in Sayreville for 2021.

Council members held their annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 4.

As part of the meeting, incumbent council members Mary Novak and Vincent Conti were sworn in to serve three-year council terms after winning the November election. Novak has been a member of the council since 2012, previously serving from 1995 to 2000, and Conti has been a member since 2020.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Conti and Novak were the only members of the governing body physically present at the meeting. The other members attended the meeting remotely.

After all the council members were seated, Dalina was elected to serve as council president in an unanimous vote by Conti, Novak, Damon Enriquez, Michele Maher, Donna Roberts and himself. Dalina has been a member of the Borough Council since 2019.

“Although we’re not physically together as we have been in the past, today is a ceremonious day to recognize the accomplishments of our council over the past year and to look forward to the future in 2021,” the council president said. “I’d first like to congratulate Councilwoman Novak and Councilman Conti on their election victory and I look forward to working with both of you over the next year.

“I’d also like to thank my council colleagues for entrusting me with the role of council president,” he continued. “It’s a role that I will work tirelessly at to ensure that we are working as a team to keep pushing Sayreville forward. Over the last year, we’ve seen some tragic times and had to make difficult decisions hugely related to the pandemic, but as always Sayreville has prevailed. As a council, we were able to accomplish some great things.
“One of the biggest things that I feel we accomplished was amending an ordinance that would ensure that developers are doing their part to maintain the affordable housing requirements put forth by the state. We also received over $2 million in grants. We transitioned to an online payment for water bills. And for the first time in borough history an LGBTQ flag was proudly flown in the front of borough hall in five
“As a council we’ve also set goals on what we want to accomplish in 2021,” Dalina said. “Together, we will work collaboratively and collectively with the mayor [Victoria Kilpatrick] to ensure this upcoming year will be another great one for our borough. I would also like to acknowledge our borough employees for the great job they have done in these difficult times and I would also like to thank all essential employees for all they do. I look forward to working with my fellow council members, the mayor and our team to keep Sayreville progressing.”