Middlesex County: The epicenter of thriving businesses

The Middlesex County Board of County Commissioners announces Middlesex County’s Economic Development Initiative for 2021, to be led by Director of Business Engagement Sandy S. Castor.

The economic development initiative emphasizes Middlesex County’s connected business infrastructure and its long history of advances in healthcare, education and technology, according to information provided by the Middlesex County Office of Communications.

Consistent with the Destination 2040 strategic plan, the county’s master economic roadmap, this visionary growth strategy reaffirms Middlesex County as a complete ecosystem for emerging and existing businesses across the Life Sciences, Food Innovation, and Electric Connected Autonomous Vehicles industries, the particular focus areas for the county’s economic development campaign, according to the statement.

With its location just outside New York City, Middlesex County has become the epicenter of growth for business and innovation in these industries, even despite the massive global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the statement.

“Middlesex County’s long tradition of fostering innovation is unparalleled. Our economic development initiative reflects our commitment to partnering with businesses comprising the innovation economy in our county and leveraging those relationships for the benefit of our residents,” County Commissioner Director Ronald G. Rios said in the statement.

Middlesex County officials will announce further developments as part of its strategic economic development initiative for the Life Sciences, Food Innovation and Electric Connected Autonomous Vehicles industries in 2021. With focus on partnership, business infrastructure and facilitation, Middlesex County is distinct as a complete ecosystem, where doing business is also clearly more affordable than the greater New York City, Philadelphia or Boston area, according to the statement.

Visit discovermiddlesex.com/biz/ for more.