Two agencies open vaccination site at Red Bank Family YMCA

The VNA of Central Jersey Community Health Centers (VNACJ CHCs) and the YMCA of Greater Monmouth County have teamed up to provide COVID-19 vaccines to eligible residents in Monmouth County.

VNACJ CHC is now offering the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine at the Red Bank Family YMCA, in addition to testing for the coronavirus. It is the first satellite vaccination site in New Jersey, according to a press release from the two organizations.

“We are honored to partner with the YMCA to expand our vaccine capacity. They have been incredible partners and gracious hosts as we work together to serve our Monmouth County residents,” said Chris Rinn, CEO of VNACJ CHCs.

The collaboration with the YMCA makes sense at a time when the goal is to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible, he noted.

YMCA of Greater Monmouth County President and CEO Laurie Goganzer said the Red Bank Y has served as a safe testing location since May.

“We are now one of several locations in the county where people in the community can come to get their COVID-19 vaccine. This is part of what we do, it is the embodiment of our longstanding commitment to the community, especially during the pandemic,” Goganzer said.

Gov. Phil Murphy recently announced an expansion of the COVID-19 vaccination criteria to include adults age 65 and over and individuals between the ages of 16 and 64 who have chronic medical conditions such as cancer, Type 2 diabetes and other conditions defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to the press release.

Vaccines are offered at the Red Bank Family YMCA by appointment, Monday through Friday. Those who are eligible must register in advance at the VNA CHC website

More than 600 people have already been vaccinated at the Y since the program started in early January. Rinn said VNACJ CHC plans to increase the number of appointments and add more staff to meet the high demand.

Typically, the vaccine process takes about 30 minutes. Guests check in at a registration desk and their information is verified. They then receive the vaccine in a large vaccination area and remain in observation for about 15 minutes, according to the press release.

The governor has said individuals receiving the vaccine do not need to bring proof of illness, but they must register and meet the criteria.

The vaccine is free for individuals who fit the criteria. The VNACJ CHC registration site does ask for insurance information in case they have to bill the patient. Individuals without insurance can still receive the vaccine, according to the press release.

“I am very happy to see another vaccination location site open in Monmouth County,” said state Sen. Vin Gopal (D-Monmouth). “The Red Bank Family Y has always worked to help our community to the best of their abilities and I am very thankful they were kind enough to offer their space and work with the VNA to provide services to the residents of Monmouth County.”

Red Bank Mayor Pasquale Menna was quoted in the press release saying, “We are so thankful the Y and VNA are here in our community and that they continue to work together to support residents in Red Bank and across Monmouth County.”

The Red Bank Family YMCA is at 166 Maple Ave., Red Bank. For more information about COVID-19 vaccinations or testing, visit the VNACJ website at