COVID cases continue to decline in South Brunswick

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – South Brunswick has seen a decline in the number of new positive cases of COVID-19 over the past three weeks.

The past week’s numbers mirror numbers in November at the start of the second wave, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Office of Emergency Management on Jan. 25.

In the last week, officials were notified of 78 new cases of residents testing positive. This number represents a 6% decrease in new cases than were reported the previous week, according to the statement.

In addition to our 78 reported new cases, 23 additional cases were reported from previous weeks.

South Brunswick currently has 1,764 cases of residents who have tested positive since the beginning of the pandemic last March.

Officials were also notified of two additional COVID related deaths, bringing South Brunswick Township’s total number of fatalities to 49 since the pandemic started, according to the statement.

Statewide, 3,238 people are hospitalized due to COVID as of Jan. 25, a 7% decrease in the number of hospitalizations over the previous week, according to the statement. Middlesex County saw its numbers increase to 56,727 total cases.