Allentown mayor pleased with county’s response on no passing zones

ALLENTOWN – A meeting among representatives of Allentown and Monmouth County has resulted in county officials taking action to establish revised no passing zones in Allentown and Upper Freehold Township.

During a meeting of the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners on Jan. 21, the members of the governing body unanimously passed a resolution that addresses a primary concern of Allentown officials and residents.

The county commissioners determined that a passing zone on Route 524 will be amended (westbound) from a passing zone to a no passing zone on the portion of the road beginning 1,680 feet west of the center line of Route 524 (New Canton-Stone Tavern Road) and continuing for 565 feet west; a portion of the road beginning 3,580 feet west of the center line of Route 524 (New Canton-Stone Tavern Road) and continuing for 1,760 feet west.

Heading eastbound, a segment beginning at the center line of the intersection of Route 526
(Waker Avenue) and continuing for 2,175 feet east, and a segment beginning at a point 2,645 feet east of the center line of Broad Street and continuing for 385 feet east.

According to the resolution, county representatives have conducted a resurvey of the no passing zone limits along Route 524 (North Main Street-Old York Road) in Allentown and Upper Freehold Township. The commissioners said they found it in the interest of public safety to revise the current no passing zone along Route 524 (North Main Street-Old York Road).

North Main Street runs north out of Allentown toward Interstate 195 and Robbinsville, where the name of North Main Street changes to Old York Road.

Regarding the action that was taken by the county commissioners, Mayor Thomas Fritts said, “The Borough Council and I have taken great strides with the county in addressing our traffic issues.

“I, along with Councilman Rob Strovinsky, the borough engineer and our municipal clerk, met with county representatives about a month ago on the corners of Church Street and High Street.

“We discussed the repaving of North Main Street along with our ongoing traffic and truck issues in town and urged them to eliminate the passing zones in the borough. We suggested that areas with reduced speeds such as 25 mph or 30 mph have no need for passing lanes,” the mayor said.

“We also expressed that we are continuing to beautify the borough through streetscape projects that are being funded mostly through grants, and we have increased the number of residents and visitors walking our streets and our town.

“We have been adamant that all passing lanes need to be eliminated for the safety of our residents and visitors.

“I am extremely pleased with the resolution the county commissioners have passed. As I continue to call 2021 the year of traffic improvement, we look forward to the introduction of speed enforcement zones and other changes our residents have desperately waited for.

“Our new ad hoc traffic committee will be meeting with Police Chief Dan Panckeri to discuss our traffic initiatives. Our police department understands our need for improvement and is fully committed to working with us to see it through,” Fritts said.