Spotswood, Springfield libraries partner to present virtual writing classes

In a first-time partnership, the Springfield Free Public Library and the Spotswood Public Library will jointly offer a series of four virtual writing classes to be led by instructors from the Writers Circle, an organization that offers creative writing workshops for children and adults.

The first two workshops, scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 22 and March 1, will be centered around sparking personal creativity.

The third and fourth workshops, scheduled for 7 p.m. March 10 and 17, will present the art of journaling; this is something which may be of particular interest to people who are looking to record their thoughts and memories of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, according to information provided by C.L. Quillen, director of the Spotswood library.

Each session will have a different focus and participants can sign up for one workshop or all four. All sessions will be taught by published authors.

Dale Spindel, the director of the Springfield Library, and Quillen have been working together on another project, LMxAC Authors at Home. Their February author, Michelle Cameron, was their connection to the Writer’s Circle, Quillen said.
“Dale and I have known each other for several years, as we have both been involved with the New Jersey Library Association’s Readers’ Advisory Roundtable. We’re very excited, both about Michelle Cameron’s program and the upcoming writing workshop series, and hope that we inspire a few budding authors,” Quillen said.
Quillen is a published author, having co-written “Read On…Romance.”

These programs are free and open to Springfield and Spotswood residents age 18 and older. Registration is required and can be done by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

Class size is limited to 20 students and, should space become available, a waiting list will be kept in order to accommodate a limited number of residents from other communities.

More information about the Writers Circle can be found at

For more information about the Springfield and Spotswood libraries, visit and, respectively.