Edison BOE appoints general counsel, specific counsel for special education matters

EDISON – The Edison Board of Education appointed two law firms – one to serve as board counsel and one specializing in the area of special education.

The Board of Education (BOE) approved the appointments through resolution at a meeting on Jan. 26.

The MARC (McCusker, Anselmi, Rosen & Carvelli P.C.) Law Firm in Florham Park began serving as board counsel at $155 an hour on Feb. 1. Their contract runs through Jan. 31, 2022.

The firm replaces Busch Law Group LLC, which voluntarily stepped aside in December. The firm had served as counsel for several years, non-consecutively.

The Inglesino, Webster, Wyciskala & Taylor LLC Law Firm in Parsippany began serving as special counsel in the area of special education for the district at $160 an hour on Feb. 1. Their contract runs through Jan. 31, 2022.

Schools Superintendent Bernard Bragen said “the BOE, when considering the size and scope of legal work required for a district as large as the Edison Public Schools, thought it prudent to appoint both a general counsel and a specific counsel for special education matters.

“Due to the unique aspects of special education law, this is common in many districts and the most effective way to utilize our legal resources,” he said. “It is not uncommon for school districts to retain separate legal counsel for special education matters.”