Tom Brenner

Princeton snowfall less than other nearby towns

Princeton was blanketed with about 11 inches of wet, heavy snow in the first snowfall of 2021, escaping with less snow than towns to its north.

The snow began falling Jan. 31 and continued all day and into the night on Feb. 1. Snow showers continued to drop more snowflakes the following day.

Students who were expecting a snow day, however, were out of luck. The Princeton Public Schools held classes remotely on Feb. 1-3. Although the school district offers a hybrid model that combines in-person and remote learning, it opted for full remote learning at home.

While the snowfall did not affect the schools, it did scramble trash collection and recycling efforts.

Trash that was slated to be collected Feb. 1 and Feb. 2 was rescheduled for later in the week. Residents were told to put out their trash Feb. 3, and that the trash hauler would pick it up as the trucks rumbled through the town.

Recycling buckets are set to be picked up Feb. 6, since the snowstorm canceled any efforts to collect them on Feb. 1.

Princeton residents also were asked to move their cars off the streets so the Department of Public Works could plow the roads. They had the option of parking in the municipal parking lots or in the Spring Street municipal garage.

Residents were also advised that they must remove snow and ice from the sidewalks after the last snowflake drifted down.