Spotswood council appoints new engineering company to handle roadway repairs

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing Center State Engineering to perform $30,000 in construction administration services for various roadways, taking over for the previous engineer.

The borough had appointed Daniel Samuel of CME Associates, Inc. to serve as borough engineer for a term that ended on Dec. 31, according to the council.

The borough had authorized CME to perform professional engineering and survey services for improvements to Sloan Road, Charles Street, Carol Lane, Brian Lane, Rainbow Lane, Eisenhower Avenue, Patton Place, Halsey Place, MacArthur Place, Manhattan Avenue and Ertle Avenue, according to the council.

On July 13, the council had approved a resolution mentioning the borough was awarded a New Jersey Department of Transportation 2020 Municipal Aid Grant of $555,000 to fund various roadway improvements.

The borough authorized CME to provide the construction administrative services
without a public procurement process because those services were to be performed by
CME in furtherance of its role as borough engineer for the year 2020, according to the council.

Instead, the council approved a resolution authorizing Center State Engineering to perform $30,000 in construction administrative services for various roadways on Feb. 1 during the council meeting via video conference.

CME is no longer the borough engineer and on Jan. 6, the borough appointed Center State
Engineering to serve as the head of the Department of Engineering. CME had not yet performed the construction administration services phase of those projects for which it was authorized to provide engineering and surveying services in 2020, according to the council.

Center State Engineering has proposed to perform the construction administration services for those projects for a lump sum payment of $30,000, which is less than the amount proposed by CME for those services $50,340, according to the council.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].