Cranbury School District asks residents to participate in survey to help strengthen communications

The Cranbury School District is asking all township residents to help strengthen the connection between the district and the broader community by taking a few moments to offer input and insight on a Communications Survey.

The survey will circulate online from Feb. 12-24.

“In order to build strong relationships with the broader Cranbury community, we need strong communication,’’ Superintendent Susan Genco said. “This survey will help us understand the type of district information people want, and how they would like to receive it. Knowing those things will help us tremendously as we work to better serve and inform our entire community.’’

The Communications Survey will be available on the district website,, and will take no more than a few minutes to complete, according to information provided by the district.

The survey is directly related to a core district and board of education goal of “enhancing connections and communications,” which was established during the district’s Strategic Planning process.

Board of Education Member Lindsay McDowell, who chairs the board’s Community Engagement Committee, said the board wants to find ways to foster a more collaborative, two-way relationship between the district and the community at large.

“This survey is a good step toward understanding how we can build a stronger Cranbury, together. We hope members of our community take just a moment to help us do that,’’ McDowell said.

The online survey link will be sent to district staff and parents directly via email. Members of the public who wish to contribute their thoughts can access the survey through a link on the district’s website.