Biden is trying to move America forward

I had the privilege of chairing Columbia University Students for Kennedy and then serving as a volunteer staff associate for his brother, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.

I taught a course about Jack and Bobby Kennedy in Brookdale Community College’s lifelong learning program.

President Kennedy while a senator wrote “Profiles in Courage,” a book about U.S. senators who showed political courage in taking difficult votes.

In voting to acquit former President Donald Trump, 43 Republican senators showed political cowardice rather than courage. How sad that 43 Republican senators could not summon the character and integrity shown by seven of their Republican colleagues.

Fortunately, the impeachment managers were able to show the nation the horrific behavior of the former president which clearly justified conviction on the impeachment charge.

Hopefully, despite this disappointing vote, America will once again move forward in the tradition of Jack and Bobby Kennedy and reject the authoritarian approach of Trump.

It appears President Joseph Biden is doing just that on the national level, as is Gov. Phil Murphy on the state level.

Robert R. Salman