Positive COVID cases continue to decline in South Brunswick

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – For the third week in a row, South Brunswick has recorded a decline in new cases of COVID-19 within the township, with the number of new positive cases being less than a quarter of what it was in early January.

This past week, township officials were notified of 26 new cases of residents testing positive. This number represents a 10% decrease in new cases than were reported last week, according to the statement.

In addition, 13 cases were reported from previous weeks.

South Brunswick currently has 2,052 cases of residents who have tested positive.

Officials also received notification that there was one additional fatality reported due to COVID-19, bringing South Brunswick to 60 deaths attributed to the virus since last March.

Statewide, 2,023 people are hospitalized due to COVID-19 at this time, a 16% decrease in the number of hospitalizations from the previous week, according to information provided by the statement. Middlesex County saw its numbers increase to 65,916 total cases.