Sayreville schools expand in-person instruction

SAYREVILLE – As March arrives, administrators in the Sayreville School District are planning to expand in-person instruction for pre-Kindergarten through high school students.

Superintendent of Schools Richard Labbe discussed the district’s plans for in-person instruction in a Feb. 22 notice.

During the 2020-21 school year, because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many Sayreville students have been receiving their education in a hybrid model that consists of in-person instruction and remote instruction. Two cohorts of students have been attending school on alternating days.

Some students have only been receiving remote instruction if their parents selected that option at the beginning of the school year.

In his notice, Labbe announced that as of March 1, all pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade pupils are eligible to attend in-person instruction through the district’s third phase of reopening. During the third phase, the schools open for in-person instruction on an early dismissal schedule on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays remain fully remote for all students.

By March 15, all sixth through 12th grade students attending Sayreville Middle School and Sayreville War Memorial High School will join the rest of the district in becoming eligible for in-person instruction. As a result, there will no longer be cohorts and all students will receive in-person instruction on every day except Wednesdays if this option was selected by their parents.

According to district administrators, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students will eat prepackaged or home packed meals (breakfast and lunch) in classrooms while in school during the third phase. Middle school and high school students will not eat lunch in school during the third phase; they will take home prepackaged meals.

Labbe said parents will still have the option of having their children participate in fully remote instruction until the end of the 2020-21 school year. Parents also have the option of requesting their children to transition from fully remote learning back to in-person instruction.