South River council approves final payment for George Street firehouse demolition

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council approved a resolution to pay the final payment estimate for the George Street Firehouse Building Demolition and Site Remediation project.

Borough Administrator Art Londensky said with the demolition of the George Street Firehouse, the site was paved for more parking for the South River Police Department.

The governing body has received a final payment estimate No. 2 and closeout change order request from the borough engineer for the project known as George Street Firehouse Demolition and Site Remediation, with work undertaken by The Ambient Group, LLC, according to the council.

The council approved the resolution authorizing the final payment estimate and closeout change order in the amount of $24,817, subject to the posting of a one-year maintenance bond of $15,152, during the March 1 meeting via video conference.

Londensky said the full payment came out of the capital expenditure. The bond is a requirement of the bid document.

The George Street Firehouse site is approximately 0.48 acres, formerly occupied by the South River Fire Department since sometime between 1923 and 1930 until operations were relocated to a new firehouse facility in 2017. The site is currently used by the police department for parking and vehicle access, according to a letter from Borough Engineer Bruce Koch.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].