Restore ‘E Pluribus Unum’ as America’s national motto

In 1787, our founding fathers deliberately and wisely gave us a secular Constitution. A short time later, a committee made up of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin – knowing that “unity is the first priority of success” – provided their new nation with a godless, secular motto: “E Pluribus Unum” (one out of many).

It was a motto that was designed to recognize and include all our citizens, including “non-believers” – that is to say, it disenfranchised no one and included everyone.

In 1956, however, that all changed when our national motto was replaced with a
religious slogan – “In God We Trust” that in effect relegated non-believing
Americans into second-class citizens.

“In God We Trust” has no secular purpose, nor does it reflect the diversity we
celebrate or the equality to which we are entitled.

It is the kind of religious slogan one would expect to find in a sectarian theocracy rather than in a democratic republic. “In God We Trust” is not an inclusive statement, but an exclusionary religious pronouncement that does not belong on our currency.

The inclusive “E Pluribus Unum” should be restored as our national motto, just as
our founding fathers intended. “Unity is the first priority of success.”

Borden Applegate