Spotswood council adopts snow removal requirements

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council adopted an ordinance amending the municipal code to add snow removal requirements for residents living at commercial and multi-family premises.

Occupants of all commercial premises, shopping centers and multifamily dwellings will be responsible for removing litter from the sidewalk, walkways, pedestrian areas and parking areas during every day the premises are open for business, according to the council.

The area must be swept or otherwise cleaned as often as necessary to maintain it free of litter, spillage and other debris, according to the council.

The owner or operator of every commercial premise, shopping center and multifamily dwelling will be responsible for clearing parking areas, driveways, walkways, sidewalks and other pedestrian areas of snow, and for otherwise making such safe for vehicle and pedestrian traffic within 24 hours after the snowfall ceases, according to the council.

In areas where ice forms on the ground surface, action will be taken to render the surface safe for the movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, according to the council.

Snow removal of privately owned multifamily dwelling roadways, parking lots and sidewalks must commence within two hours after snowfall ceases to ensure that emergency vehicles can reach residents as determined by the chief of police, emergency management or the mayor, according to the council.

No owner, tenant/occupant of premises or contractor removing snow at any premises having parking spaces reserved for handicapped drivers may block access to those parking spaces reserved for handicapped drivers by plowing, piling or placement of snow or ice in such spaces, according to the council.

The council approved and adopted the ordinance amending the borough code to adding snow removal requirements for commercial sites and multi-family residences on March 1 during the council meeting via video conference.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].