North Brunswick Woman’s Club serves the community at large

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club has spent the past year adapting its community service efforts because of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Members have made and donated more than 1,000 masks, raised over $1,000 to donate books to both CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and the North Brunswick Food Bank, provided scholarships, made gift baskets of encouragement and treats for first responders, donated water and sweatshirts to Operation Chillout, and continued its partnership with Elmwood Cemetery and Wreaths Across America.

In addition, they worked together – yet separately – to create a quilt, scrapbooking their personal experiences with COVID-19 reflected in each square. They entered the quilt into the Arts and Community Service “What a Wonderful World” Contest.

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club (NBWC) was founded in 1965 as a non-political and non-sectarian organization whose aims are to promote better social conditions and to aid the local community of North Brunswick.

The NBWC is a member of the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), the largest organization of volunteer women in the state and one of 184 clubs in the state.

Membership is open to all women residents of North Brunswick and the surrounding area who want to expand their horizons by making new friends, sharing creative talents, and improving the lives of those less fortunate.

North Brunswick’s club motto is “Joined Together, Making a Difference.”

Club members have the opportunity to share their interests and talents in various departments:

Arts and Culture – for those interested in painting, crafts, photography, baking and sewing

Arts Performing – for those interested in drama, literature and music

Civic Engagement and Outreach – for those interested in promoting awareness of civic activities and supporting the military

Education and Libraries – for those interested in implementing educational programs

Environment – for those interested in conservation and garden

Health and Wellness – for those interested in improving their well-being, addressing nutrition, disease prevention and emotional care

The NBWC started the children’s section of the North Brunswick Library and continues to support them. The club supports all emergency services in the township and one year they purchased bulletproof vests for the police. They support Meals on Wheels and contribute to the North Brunswick Food Bank. They assist needy families with gift cards, food and clothing.

The NBWC also works with the NJSFWC to make a larger impact, by supporting state projects, such as the Community Food Bank of NJ, Canine Companions for Independence, Family Promise, Prevent Child Abuse NJ, and Court Appointed Special Advocates. The current state project is Operation Chill Out, which helps homeless veterans become independent.

Some of the ways the club’s fundraising activities are used are for providing scholarships to North Brunswick Township High School seniors.

In addition, members help raise awareness of issues, such as by “planting” a pinwheel garden at the municipal complex on Hermann Road for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April.

The group members also try to have some fun by socializing with other members. Prior to the pandemic there were movie nights once a month at the local movie theater, Girls Nights Out with trips to see performances at the State Theater, and a book club that meets regularly.

The North Brunswick Historical Society recognized the North Brunswick Woman’s Club for over 50 years of community service at their 240th anniversary gala. The Township of North Brunswick will be planting a rose garden at the municipal complex, as a nod to the club’s flower, in recognition of its dedicated service to the community.

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club meets in person the second Monday of each month from September to May, but during the pandemic have been conducted via Zoom.

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club will hold a clothing drive from 9 a.m. to noon April 17 on the patio outside the auditorium at North Brunswick Township High School, 98 Raider Road.

Wearable and usable clothing, shoes, belts, handbags, linens, stuffed animals and hard toys will be accepted.

Toys must be 2 feet or smaller.

Place shoes in a separate bag.

No sports equipment, board games, books, puzzles, pots, pans, glass, electrical devices, VCR tapes or furniture will be accepted.

For more information, find the North Brunswick Woman’s Club on Facebook, or call 732-640-8166 with any questions.


  • This information was provided by Laura Pelszynski, vice president of the North Brunswick Woman’s Club.