Panelists will offer guidance on how parents can talk to children about drug use

The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey will present “15-Minute Child Break” at 7 p.m. March 25, co-hosted by the Cranbury Municipal Alliance, The Cranbury School and the Cranbury Police Department.

Parents who talk to their children about their activities an average of 15 minutes per day have children who are 67% less likely to try marijuana.

The Child Break presentation will encourage and empower adults on how to effectively communicate with children about the dangers of underage drug and alcohol use.

Specific topics will include underage substance abuse, the opiate/heroin crisis, vaping and e-cigarettes, risk and protective factors, and specific strategies parents can use when talking with their children.

There will be a panel discussion and Q&A featuring Cranbury Township Police Chief Michael Owens, Dr. Sara Jane Ward of the Center for Substance Abuse Research and Department of Pharmacology at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University; Bill Lillis of the Partnership for a Drug Free New Jersey’s Parent Education Program and Workplace Program; certified addiction recovery coach and former addict Skip Bailey; and Robyn Skeete of Treehouse Community LLC.

To access the Zoom webinar link, visit

The meeting ID is 685 639 2177 using passcode Cr@nbury5#