East Brunswick council authorizes DOT agreement for bikeway project

EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council approved a resolution authorizing an agreement between the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) and the municipality for the Dunhams Corner Road Bikeway Project.

The township received a Federal Aid grant for the Dunhams Corner Road Bikeway Project, and the township qualifies for the DOT Federal Design Assistance Program, according to the council.

The Federal Highway Administration authorized funding for the final design through DOT local aid in the amount of $266,510, according to the council.

With an unanimous vote, the council approved the resolution on March 8 during the council meeting via video conference.

In related news, the council also approved a resolution authorizing an agreement between CME Associates and the township for the final engineering services for the Dunhams Corner Road Bikeway Project.

The Planning and Engineering Department has reviewed the CME Associates proposal and recommends entering the agreement for the final design services for the project, according to the council.

For more information, visit www.eastbrunswick.org/AgendaCenter.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].