Pennington School Global Studies students present climate policy proposals


The Pennington School’s Global Studies students participated in the 2021 Global Economic Forum (GEF), sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia.

The 2021 forum brought teams of high school students together on March 2 in a virtual mock competition for funding from the World Bank. Students were tasked with proposing projects to combat climate change and inequity, according to information provided by the school.

During a full-day conference, students presented their climate policy proposals to a panel of judges.

Two of Pennington’s teams won first place and first runner-up. In first place were Aidan Medina ’22, Avani Prakash ’22 and Daniel Sampaio ’22, who proposed a solar water heating system for Russia. In second place were Chloe Boocock ’22, Jack Giacobbe ’22, Shannon McKiernan ’22, and Mike Liakopoulos ’21, who designed an urban garden-supported food bank for Capetown, South Africa.

The mission of the Global Studies Program at The Pennington School, through the Global Studies certificate, travel opportunities, and campus-wide initiatives, is to support and enhance informed, active and ethical participation in global ideas, issues, and communities, both at home and abroad, according to the statement.