Millstone residents of all ages invited to participate in town cleanup

MILLSTONE – The ongoing coronavirus pandemic will not prevent the 15th annual stream cleanup in Millstone Township from taking place, according to the event’s organizers.

The stream cleanup – which asks residents to sign up to collect trash at various locations in the community – is sponsored by the Millstone Township Environmental Commission and the Watershed Institute. The 2021 event will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on April 17.

Participants will gather at the Millstone municipal building, 215 Millstone Road, to begin the day.

Pre-registration is required and interested individuals may register at

Volunteers must register online by noon on April 16, according to the Watershed Institute.

In light of the pandemic, a number of safety regulations will be implemented this year, according to the Watershed Institute.

A maximum of 25 individuals will be allowed to participate at a cleanup site, in accordance with current state guidelines. Each participant will be required to wear a face mask or another face covering at all times unless a distance of at least 15 feet is maintained between other participants.

The Watershed Institute will require participants to maintain a minimum of 6 feet between one another at all times, except for members of their own team, and participants must check their temperature before arriving. A temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will prohibit an individual from participating in the cleanup.

Individuals may not participate in the cleanup if they are feeling ill that day or if they have had a fever, shortness of breath or a cough within two weeks of the event.

According to the Environmental Commission, participants must bring their own water bottle and gloves to the event. Snacks and water will not be provided this year.

Trash bags and hand sanitizer will be provided, but participants should bring their own hand sanitizer to help maintain distance. Long pants and closed-toed shoes are recommended for participants.

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times, according to the Environmental Commission. A minimum of one adult is required to be present with every three children.

This year, participants will be permitted to perform their own cleanup away from others. Participants may identify the area(s) they are cleaning by contacting the Watershed Institute at