Sheriff’s officer transfers to Bordentown Township Police Department

Officer Mark Sherman is now a full-time police officer with the Bordentown Township Police Department (BTPD).


Sherman was appointed by the Bordentown Township Committee on March 8.

He attended elementary school in Bordentown City; and he and his family have resided in Fieldsboro for many years.


“Chief [Brian] Pesce and the Township Committee made it a priority to expand our pool of candidates to increase the diversity in our police department, showing our commitment to progressive actions and responsiveness to our community,” Bordentown Township Mayor Stephen Benowitz said in a prepared statement. “The Township Committee is grateful to have Chief Pesce leading our police department, and he and the department have our full support.”


Sherman is a 14-year veteran of the Burlington County Sheriff’s Department and joins the BTPD via the NJ Civil Service Commission’s Intergovernmental Transfer Program. This program promotes more efficient public service by allowing civil service jurisdictions to share talented and experienced individuals in a quick fashion, according to the statement.


“Officer Sherman comes highly regarded and recommended by both his supervisors and colleagues at the Sheriff’s Department,” Pesce said in the statement. “Mark is extremely qualified with an abundance of previous training and certifications, including crisis intervention, de-escalation and community policing which are all cornerstones of our department.”


“We are thrilled to add Officer Sherman to our police department. He comes highly recommended from the Burlington County Sheriff’s Department and will immediately benefit our community with his experience and areas of expertise,” Deputy Mayor/Police Liaison Eric Holliday said in the statement. “As committee liaison to the police department, I have personally seen all the positive actions that Chief Pesce and our officers make in our community, and Officer Sherman will step right in and continue this progress.”


For more information about Bordentown Township, visit